Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills represent one’s ability to work with others for the best outcomes in work. When working with others, we should encounter collaboration, the share of duties, tasks and responsibilities; when working with others, we may encounter conflicts because we do not always agree with each other; when working with others, we need to exchange information, i.e. communication for everyone being on the same page, planning and proceeding with what we do and receiving feedbacks. This is just a brief view about what is like when working with others. Working with others is a common practice in human’s world and working with others is truly one of best practices for work to be done. For this matter, we should learn to work with others, and make the experience pleasant, productive and efficient. 


From workplace and employment resources, the interpersonal skills include the skills, such as active listening, empathy, positive attitude, clear communication, sharing, cooperating, and respecting personal space, i.e. qualities to work with others. I think the interpersonal skills are not some kind of rocket science or some complex theories, but they are common sense. They can be simplified as “I will do good to others no matter how I feel”. Naturally I believe we all want to do good to others. The problem is “how I feel” may hinder us to do so – we may envy others’ possessions, abilities or achievements and hold sour attitude; we may hold grudge for the wrongs we received, being angry and cannot get over; we may be proud and arrogant thinking we are better than others and do not bother to work together; we may be selfish, only want to boast ourselves and dishonor others. These feelings are very negative, and they will not do any good to ourselves. The interpersonal skills promote positive feelings of working with others and diminish those negative feelings. Putting others first is the key. When we do good to others, we will feel good too. So, what does it mean to do good to others? It is about how ourselves want to be treated in the same situation.

A scheme about interpersonal skills 



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